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Hario V60 Dripper - Wood

Hario V60 Dripper - Wood

Regular price QAR 240.00
Regular price Sale price QAR 240.00
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The classic Hario V60 dripper has unique spirals on the interior of the cup, allowing extra air flow through the thin filter papers leading to a crisper, cleaner coffee finish.

Equipment: Hario V60, Paper filter, Scale, Timer, Grinder, Pitcher

Brew Time: 3:30 min

Water: 210g (7.40oz) purified water at 96C (205F)

Coffee: 14.5g (0.51oz)


Creating crisp and clean cups of coffee

  • Quality heatproof glass
  • Practical capacity of 2-4 cups
  • Beautifully-grained olive wood
  • Made in Japan

Size: 4 Cups

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The famous 60 degrees


Put the paper in your V60 and give it a good rinse with hot water. It removes all paper taste and preheat the equipment.

Remove the rinsing water.

Grind your coffee beans to a medium grind setting. Add the coffee, tare your scale, start your timer.

Pour 60g (2.12oz) water to create the bloom. At 45 secs: pour in 55g (1.94oz) water. At 1:30 seconds: pour 55g (1.94oz) water and at 2:15 add the last 40g (1.41oz).

The water should have drained trough at 3:30.